Server Mappings


If you are interested in contributing to the server mappings, you can do so by following the steps below.

File Structure

The server folder structure is as follows:

      • metadata.json
      • icon.png
      • background.png
  • Please do note that that background.png is not required but is highly recommended.

    Finding a Unique ID

    When adding a new server to the mappings, you will need to create a unique ID for the server. This ID should be a string that is easy to remember and identify the server. For example, hypixel or mineplex. Please ensure that it is all lowercase and does not contain any special characters. If you are unsure, it should conform to the following regex: /^[a-z]+$/g (opens in a new tab). Please also ensure that the ID is not already in use you can check the servers.json (opens in a new tab) file for a list of all servers (search using Ctrl + F).

    Once you have crafted your ID, create a new folder in the servers directory with the name of your ID. Inside this folder, you will need to create a server.json file, reference to the metadata page for more information on what to include in this file.